How to Cleanse Your Energy with Sage

How to Cleanse Your Energy with Sage

“I need this moment to go back to myself . . . to go inside. And the smoke from Sage makes all the noise and fog go away. And it brings my energy back to my center.” 
- Meytal
We all live busy lives, with families and/or obligations that compete for our attention and energy every single day. With so much going on around us, it can be challenging to find time for ourselves, which often causes us to neglect our needs causing stress to build up over time. 

We have to learn to recognize and release this tension, or as I see it, energy from our bodies when it becomes too much. For me, sage is a great natural tool I have used for many years that allows me to cleanse my body of unwanted energy that is causing me to feel stuck or burdened. 


What is Sage?

Sage is a powerful plant and tool that has been used for thousands of years, beginning with Native American populations, to cleanse and protect from negative or unwanted energy. 

What is it used for?

The ritual of lighting sage has had many applications over time, making it useful for many occasions. As with everything relating to crystals and spiritual healing, sage works in tandem to the intrinsic energy found in ourselves and in everything around us. It can be used to cleanse and purify our physical and spiritual bodies by penetrating the auric fields of individuals/people, animals, plants, and crystals.

Why do we need to cleanse?

People, like crystals, hold powerful transformational energy. Over time, both good and bad energy can be absorbed in our bodies that can build up over time, causing friction and tension in our lives. Using and lighting sage is a great method to cleanse our energies and rid our bodies of unwanted stressors.

How do you perform a Sage ritual? 

  • Before lighting your sage bunch, make sure to first open doors and windows so all the negative energy can find a direct way out.
  • Next, light the end of your sage and let it burn for a few moments. Then, blow out the flames. You want to work with the smoke, not the fire.
  • Now, when the sage is ready and smoking, take it and move the bunch over you or around the space you want to cleanse. You must also ask out loud for the sage to remove or cleanse the negative energy you want to release. 
  • If you are cleansing crystals, hold the crystal in your hand and move the sage over it while asking it to clear the energy that does not belong.

Remember that when you work with sage, it’s an opportunity to cleanse your body, mind, space, with a focus on releasing energy. This ritual is not the time to ask for things to come into your life 

How should I expect to feel after the ritual?

Following a sage ritual, you should expect a lightness, calmness and focus come over you. During the ritual, all unnecessary energy, thoughts, noises, and feelings are released from your body, allowing you to take ownership of your day. 


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